Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Up early again! It was Millie and I opening. Me setting up Pantry, Millie setting up the hot line. I was cutting up fruit after I got my dishes ready, when I realized I didn't put the bacon in the oven like I did yesterday. So I stopped cutting up fruit and did that. I had all the fruit sliced and diced and the station set up before Carl got there. It takes a while to peel cantaloup, honeydew and pineapple. The watermelon keeps it's rind (not suremthe logic there, but oh, well) and is cut into wedges. Diced fruit is used to make fruit cups and fruit sundaes (using yogurt, not ice cream). Sliced fruit is used for the "Carmen Maranda" fruit plate that gets two slices of each of the four fruits, plus pina colada yogurt and granola. When I asked Millie what she wanted me to do, first she said hot line, then she asked where I wanted to work. I told her I will work where ever she wants me to, I just like keeping busy at work. I think she thinks she has me all figured out-I don't think so!

Hot line seemed to go better today, but then again, we were not crazy busy. And I started putting the order ticket with the food to try and keep thinks straight. Millie kept coming over to check on me, I think SHE likes hot line best! I started humming to a tune that came on the radio this morning and found it made me feel better, so I hummed all day! Kind of put me in my own Zen space! Carl left at noon-raced out the door! After that, Millie had me take over the Pantry. Lunch was not very busy. I did a lot of cleaning! I have a hard time doing nothing at work. I always think of everything I could be doing elsewhere. Just as we were wrapping everything up, I got six orders for sandwiches! Unpack what I need, then repack. Oh, well, Murphy's Law in action!

I gave Stephanie her cake. Hope she likes it. She gave me $15 for doing it, which more than covered the cost of supplies. Like I said, hope she likes it. It was not a fancy cake-hard to do that with company supplies and not get into trouble.

After work and a shower and some ibuprofen (I have been feeling my age of late what with standing on concrete for over 8 hours), I went to see Laura in the gift shop. She was looking at jewelry from Sergio. He is a Guademalan who now resides in the States (North Carolina)-quite a character. I guess he used to be the activities director at Bolongo (!) about 8 years ago. He makes bracelets and hairpins out of bicycle spokes and beads. He calls his jewelry line "Spoken For". Cute! He asked me if I wanted one of his bracelets-free! He said he gave them to Bolongo employees as a promotion to get the bracelets out there and only asked that I tell people the bracelets could be bought in the gift shop. They are stainless steel. Mine has a green and dark blue bead on it. They are nice looking bracelets. After he left, I chatted a while with Laura. I like her-always in a good mood, friendly and hard working.

I went back to my room, then talked myself into making the treck to Epernay. It is a Wine Bar and Restaurant that Jordan and I found while exploring Frenchtown during the Holidays. We met a girl named Asia, who had recently moved to St Thomas to be her boyfriend who is one of the co-owners of Epernay. I think she liked me because I was from Reno and she was from Vegas and I had been to all the places she talked about. Anyway, I asked my waitress tonight if Asia was going to be there tonight. The waitress told me Asia had left February 1 to go back to her family. She was not coming back. Too bad, but I know romance doesn't always work out. So I had a glass of wine, some tuna tartar, truffle pomme frites and a strawberry and young greens salad dressed with vinaigrette. Very tasty! While I was sitting there, two couples came in and sat by me. One of the young men was waxing poetic about items on the menu. One of the hound women didn't know what truffle oil was. The young man proceeded to tell her that pigs in France found truffles underground, and then they took the truffles and squeezed them to remove the oil. Where did he go to school?! I didn't correct him, just listened and chuckled to myself.

I took a taxi back to Bolongo. It's been a long day, so I think I may go to bed early! I have tomorrow off. Not sure what I'll do, but it should be something fun!

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