Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I slept in a bit this morning and while I was eating breakfast (Eggs Benedict)' Ice came and talked to me about moving. She said the people were coming in tomorrow, so they needed access to the room as soon as possible. There was a little mix up at first because the workmen putting in the new air conditioner didn't want me to move my stuff in there while they were working. Ice told me to move in anyway but I gave her my computer and my carry on bag that I keep financial things in. I did some reading in between moving and work, but I had some nervous energy so had a hard time concentrating for long.

I finally just went to work at 1:45pm. I worked the pantry today. I was the first swing shift person there, so put the pot of peeled potatoes on to boil. Since days was still working (lunch is served until 2:30pm), I started cleaning up the walk-in, organizing it again after Judy did it on Sunday. I threw out things that were past their prime and put away supplies that had just been left in their boxes (we really shouldn't have boxes in the walk-in, they should be put either on the shelves or in containers). I was in some kind of cleaning mode trying to use up all my pent up energy!! After cleaning I started setting up my station. At some point Ryan asked me to make lobster stuffing, which I've done several times now. I must say, this is the first time that I actually felt part of the team on evenings and felt like I actually knew what to do and what needed to be done. It felt really good not to feel either stupid or slow! I made salads and shrimp/lobster cocktails and plated desserts. I tried to creative about plating the desserts and was told several times that my work was pretty. Imagine that!! I also found time to make Oatmeal Raisin cookies tonight. Jesse was the other line cook besides Ryan and was sneaking cookies while they were cooling. He seems to be a big fan of my baking, lol. I dropped some cookies off at the front desk too. Yolanda was very excited to get cookies!

We didn't finish until after 10pm. I went back to my new room, put things away, then took a shower. When I went back to the LG bar,
everyone was gone but 007. I asked him ifnit was too late to get something to drink (after he told me I was late!) and he gave me a glass of wine. I sat at the empty bar (cause even 007 left) and talked with Jordan for a while. Then I collected my computer and my bag and went back to my room. I'm off tomorrow and I'm looking forward to that!

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