Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The last three days have not been very exciting....

Monday my mom and Janell came over for lunch. I made Turkey and Mashed Potato Potpie (ala Martha Stewart) with all the left overs. It turned out well. I had enough to put two ramekins into the freezer for another day. Can't go wrong with mushrooms, leeks, turkey and potatoes. I even threw in the rest of the corn, lol. We watched movies in the afternoon then went out to dinner at Hacienda. Jordan made it home from LA safe and sound.

Tuesday I baked the cakes (chocolate and spice cakes) for my cake truffles due Monday December 5. Once they cooled, I cut them into pieces and put them into the food processor to make fine crumbs. I put the crumbs into a large bowl, then mixed in cream cheese frosting. Once all the frosting was incorporated, I put the mixture into the fridge to firm up. I left them in overnight. The rest of the day was spent doing errands.

Today, more errands in the morning, then I rolled the cake truffle mixture into balls, put them in a Tupperware container and placed them in the freezer. They can stay in the freezer for some time, but I will likely dip the cake balls in chocolate on Friday or Saturday in anticipation of delivery on Monday. I have not come up with a topping for the chocolate, but I plan on dipping the spice balls into white chocolate, then sprinkling the white chocolate with a little cinnamon before the chocolate sets. Should be very tasty!

Jordan called at 4pm to see if I wanted to see a movie on Patagonia at UNR. I said yes! The movie was about Patagonia and the five dams they are talking about putting on the two largest rivers, the Baker and (oh, great, now I can't think of the name of the second river, lol!).....
There were pros and cons, but I have to say, I had no idea how much dams damage the ecosystems surrounding them. It was an eye-opening film.

Janell and Mom are coming for dinner tomorrow, so guess I better decide what to make!

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