Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

I woke up at 5am this morning! Hawaii is two hours behind Reno, so that was just about right for Reno time, lol. We went to Safeway (having been to Costco on the way back from the airport and spending $400!!!) this morning. I bought most of what we need for the next week or more. Unfortunately, there are no spices at the house so besides food, there were spices to buy. $306!!!! Everything here is SO expensive. I am mindful of doing a good job, so that it will have been worthwhile bringing me out here!

We came back from shopping, put groceries away, then I mixed up a fruit smoothie with strawberries and banana, yogurt and milk, guava juice and cinnamon. Very tasty. I was up so early, it was only 10:15am when we got back, lol. About an hour later, I started lunch. Corn and Crab Chowder. It rained off and on today, never for very long. Makes everything greener. I did take pictures of my view out the kitchen window and I will add those tomorrow. This afternoon we went to Maui Prime, the island gourmet store. It wasn't as big as I thought it would be, but they had lots of food items. We bought cheese and crackers, Lavender Passion Fruit Jam, duck breast (the last one on Maui we were told!), and Manchego cheese. when we got back from Maui Prime, we met our next door neighbor, John. We chatted for a bit, then he was off to teach. John is a school teacher and does tutoring on the side.

I also made chocolate chip cookies this afternoon, then took some over to the neighbors (we had so many anyway). We met John's wife and little girl. Cute girl.

Dinner was Seared Tuna with a cannelini beans flavored with carrots, celery and onions as well as thyme and lemon zest. There was also a Sun-dried Tomato Sauce. It turned out yummy! That paired with a nice French wine was a perfect ending to the day!

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