Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

Another sunny day in paradise! Went to the store early, then off to the pool for an hour. Breakfast was easy, coffee and Mandarin Orange cake. Lunch was a little more work: Chickpea salad (chickpeas, celery, red peppers and onions in a balsamic vinaigrette). There were also last Nita's leftovers of tuna and roasted root vegetables. A more substantial lunch than usual but just as good the second day as they were the first day. In the afternoon, we lost water pressure but never did find out why. Just as suddenly, things started working! Good thing with the weekend coming up. The problem did prompt a visit with the next door neighbors and we spent some time talking. Apparently they are both from NYC but love Maui so live here now. He's a math teachers and does private tutoring and his wife is a stay at home mom. They have one little girl, about three years old. You definitely know when she is happy and when she is sad (she is quite verbal, lol). The wife asked for help making cookies for a cookie exchange, so I told her I would help her. We'll see what happens. For dinner, we had a Curry Chicken Salad with rice served on a bed of lettuce. I added a few La Panzanella crackers and we were set. For dessert we had the mini apple pies I had made (apple with a Strusel top) topped with whipped cream. We bought some disposable muffin tins so I made four pies in those and baked the leftover apples by themselves in the extra slot. Early to bed (even if I am not early to rise, lol). A little reading first, though.

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