Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Jordan is off to Sacramento this morning to see his daughter and grand kids. He'll be back tonight. Other than baking my cake (an Italian almond cake), I am going to try and do as little food related business as possible today. Take a break so to speak. Lately it's been all about food-certainly not a bad thing, but you need to break out once in a while!

True to my word, I read my book, cleaned, planted the geraniums I bought the other day, brought out some more deck furniture and moved some things around. Then Janell and I went out to lunch at BJ's over in Sparks. Afterwards, being the big spenders we are, we stopped in Target to look around. I've been having problems with my iPhone lately, being slow and not always doing what it's suppose to so I've been looking to upgrade with AT&T (which you can often do for free when your contract has run out). And I ended up with a new phone AND got a $100 for turning in my old iPhone! Who'd have thought?

I came home and put up the curtains I had gotten a week ago to block out the afternoon sun in my office. When it gets to a certain point in the day, it shines right on my desk and I can't see! Jordan doesn't want regular blinds because he likes looking out the window and seeing Peavine. He can sit at his chair at the dining table and see it. So curtains were the compromise for now, lol.

I made an almond cake that was commissioned for someone's birthday. I'll deliver that tomorrow. Jordan isn't coming back from Sacramento until tomorrow, so guess I'm on my own tonight!

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