Up early for another 6:30am start time in the Lobster Grille! And I beat Millie to work this morning. Thank goodness the waitresses that set up in the morning get the key from the front desk, otherwise I'm not sure how I would have gotten in!
Same old thing, I set up pantry, Millie set up hot line. I also put the mats down. What varied, however, was after Carl got there at 8am, Millie had me getting food ready for the day sail tomorrow. I made the daily mixed garden salad that the employees eat off of at lunch AND we use to make salads for guests-same container. Not sure how sanitary that is, but what do you say? I made pasta salad, tuna salad, potato salad and sliced onions. I felt like I was back to prepping like I did when I first got here! When Carl left at noon, I took over pantry duty. I snapped a bunch of pictures today-helping to create memories, lol. This is a picture of Millie or Amelia which is her given name. I think she's starting to like me, wonders of wonders. Unfortunately, happening right before I leave! The day was not too busy, I only helped her out a couple of times, otherwise she ran hot line. Her favorite thing! Janee texted me and asked me to make a salad for the Rotary Club tonight (but I knew what she wanted when she asked if I was working this morning-psychic I guess). I also made up a dessert plate of frosted brownies-without being asked. The rest was up to her.
We got off late because we had six people walk in at 2:30pm for lunch (we supposedly stop serving at 2:30pm but oh well, take care of customers). I went back to my room, having to skirt the "Rasta coconut man" who wanted to climb the tree outside my back door for coconuts to sell (a scary looking skinny guy with long braided hair). I walked to HR to ask Paul to write a letter of recommendation for me. I am suppose to get one from Janee but with Ryan gone, I'm not sure if she will be able to take the time. She says yes, so I can only hope.
I spent some time at the beach, got a little sun and read. Once of the waitresses from Iggie's came and sat down next to me and she read until it was time for her to go to work. She is renting space across the street and does not have a TV so comes over to Bolongo and reads while sitting (covered up) on the beach. She plans on leaving in April. It would seem that many of the people on this island are only here temporarily.
I had dinner at the bar in the Lobster Grille. It is usually a slow night at the LG but when I went in, all the Doumengs (owners) were having dinner together (there are also lots of relatives visiting) at the large table parallel to the bar. There were people from New Jersey sitting at the bar-six of them! Made me remember how LOUD and obnoxious they can be! As I was sitting there waiting for dinner, two people walked in barefoot. Another man came in his swim trunks. Just because you are on vacation doesn't mean there aren't certain local customs to follow (like fully clothed for dinner-not optional and shoes for Pete's sake!). I made dinner short, lol. Took a short walk and then back to my room.
I will miss looking out over the ocean/sea and sitting on the beach. I will not miss the bugs and the bites (mosquito and "no see 'ems) and the itchy skin. And it is kind of nice to just to into either Iggie's or the LG and order what I want and know I don't have to pay. All a trade-off, all a trade-off.
I work at 6:30am tomorrow with Cliff and Carl. We'll see what fun tomorrow holds, lol. Just another day in paradise.......
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