"To thine own self be NICE". -little book of inspirational thoughts...
Today is my day off and what do I do? I wake up at 6am, the usually work time, lol! Oh, well, I guess I can get lots done this way!
More pictures. The top picture is of Drew and the bottom photo is Janee, the executive chef. She says she has a "following" now since getting her picture in the paper. Cute! Drew is from South Carolina. Nice guy. He came in to work yesterday complaining that he had not done laundry and had no socks. He was wearing crocs and hated not having any socks. I asked if he wanted to borrow a pair of mine, he said no, but I'll take a pair. He said "I'll never remember to bring them back to you". Fair enough. So I went and got him a pair of black socks-unisex. I didn't tell him his other choice was pink and white, lol.
Checked emails and looked online until I got hungry, then went to the LG and made myself an egg sandwich (seems to be popular here but way more expensive than McDonald's). After I finished, I headed to the beach. Gotta have a good tan when I come home, lol! It was sunny when I wentnoutnfor breakfast but cloudy when I went out to the beach. It was patchy, so I headed out anyway. Had a nice time at the beach. Played my iPod (iPhone w/headset), read, watched people play on the water. I was out for about 2-21/2 hours. Then I headed back to find June (from HR) to see when she wanted to meet at Iggie's tomorrow. People still seem to be surprised that I am leaving, lol. I also asked Paul, while I was in HR, if the rumors of my getting part or all of the weekend off were true. He said for sure I could have Sunday off, but that he needed me to work at least half a day tomorrow (Saturday). I can do that! Then I walked back to the LG to get some lunch cause by this time it was 2pm and I was hungry. I ran into Millie. She says she is going to miss me!?! Imagine my surprise! We had a nice little chat, then she told me she wanted me to train the new guy, Cesar, on pantry tomorrow. She also told me she had told Judy (who usually works pantry in the evenings two days a week at the LG) I was a fast learner and that I could work any of the stations all by myself with no problem!!! I am shocked, just shocked! Who'd a thunk it?
While I was sitting at the beach, I realized there was a contentment that has not been there for a few months. I finally "get" all the staff, the different jobs and life here. Not a place I chose to stay, but I can recognize how far I've come since I graduated from culinary school and also be thankful for what they have taught me. As aggravating as it has been to be here and even with the sharp learning curve, I have learned many things here. It also helps to "let go" and just go with the flow (as long as it's not blatantly wrong). And wouldn't you know, just when I get the routine down, it's time to leave! But I'm finally going home, first to see Betty, then back to family and friends in Reno.
They came to clean my room about 3:30pm, so I went out to sit by the pool. It's very breezy today so feels very cool (I'm sure you are all rolling your eyes to think 78 is considered "cool", lol). Vernita came out from the gift shop to talk with me. I guess Laura called in sick today so Vernita had to stay and work. Vernita was unhappy about having to work all day. No one seems to like to work here, lol.
I did not have the energy to go anywhere for dinner, but even going early to the LG, the bar area was full and people were being seated. I ordered from Lawson, but decided not to stay. Just too busy, then I feel like I'm in the way and don't enjoy myself. I guess I should have gone out somewhere else! I ate in my room, it's quiet here and I have a table and chairs so it's also comfortable. Early to bed tonight, I think. I work at 6:30am.
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