"Every flower that blooms has to go through a whole lot of dirt".
Another 6:30am start time. Today I worked with Cliff and Carl. I took pictures! Mrs. Donovan, our dishwasher is the photo on the top, Cliff is next and Carl is in the bottom photo. Same old, same old today as far as set up. I worked hot line through most of breakfast, with occasional help from Cliff. Still flipping those eggs, getting faster every day, lol. They hired two new cooks that start tomorrow. One for Iggie's and one for LG. Rumor has it I may get Sunday off since the new guy is set to work Saturday and Sunday days to learn the routine. We'll see if it's true, lol. I don't believe much any more. Breakfast was sort of busy with people still coming in for breakfast at 10:45am. Cliff was so mad! He gets riled pretty easily. Me, I just kept singing to myself, lol.
Lunch on the other hand was a bust. I made two salads and a club sandwich, that was it from 11:30am to 2:30pm. So I made cookies (you're not surprised are you?!)! I made chocolate chip cookies, but this time I added pecans, which I toasted in the oven first and went I took them out tossed them with 2 Tbsp butter and a little salt. And I added 1 Tbsp of vanilla rather than 1 tsp. A few people said they were the best cookies I have made so far. I thought they were pretty good too. The roasted pecans added a lot. I got the ideas from my new cookbook, "Bakewise". Good book! I made 4 dozen cookies, gave a third of them to the front desk/front office staff, a third I left in the LG (Cliff promptly took about half of them for himself to "snack on later") and a third I gave to Iggie's staff. Interestingly enough, when I dropped the cookies off at the front desk, Ise asked if they were Oatmeal Raisin. I said no, chocolate chip. She said "I hate chocolate!" I guess you're not going to be able to please everyone. I got the best compliments (with hugs no less, lol) from Iggie's. Nice! This was likely my last batch of cookies here, but I didn't tell anyone that.
After work, I went and sat out by the pool and read. It was indeed another lovely day in paradise. While I was sitting there, Matt came by and thanked me again for the cookies. He offered to taste my cookies any time, lol. He's the guy that owns and operates 340 Water Sports, where I rented the jet ski from. I had stopped to offer Matt and Josh a cookie before I dropped them off at Iggie's, since their booth is on the way. He is very cute, very polite and very friendly. I get a kick out of watching all the waitresses gush over him and rush to be the one that gets his daily "to go" breakfast sandwich order, lol. These mean spiteful women being SO nice to him. He IS charming. He thinks all the waitresses are very nice. More power to him!
I will miss sitting by the pool and on the beach. I will miss wearing only sandals or going barefoot in the winter. I WILL NOT miss the flies!!! Apparently this is fly season, so for the last 3-4 days we have had what seems like a hundred flies buzzing around. Small and sluggish. You find some of them fluttering around on tabletops then they just keel over. Blah!! They are not in the actual restaurant. At Iggie's, they are not really in the kitchen but they swarm around the bar. Double blah!!
I made plans to go to Havana Blue with Laura and Linda on Monday evening, my last night here. Apparently Havana Blue is a must see landmark on St. Thomas. I am looking forward to it! Saturday, I am having dinner at Iggie's (all you can eat snow crab, yeah) with June and her husband. June checked with me today to make sure I could still go. I said yes, then she said, "Good! Cause I told a few other people we were going and they want to come". So, we'll see who shows up and how long we stay, lol.
I walked down to Iggie's tonight for dinner. I didn't want to wait for LG to open. Shrimp Satay with Peanut Sauce and a salad. I spent time talking to Jeff, the Iggie's kitchen manager and Alexis, one of the bartenders from LG. Jeff and I had a nice chat about the kitchen staff and kitchen/resort politics. He puts up with more than I would! Alexis had her two daughters with her. They are cute girls, one 14 and one 7. I stayed long enough to listen to some of Tim West, the entertainment for tonight. He's pretty good! Even has his name on his guitar, lol. Then I walked back toward the LG intending on having a glass of wine at the bar, but LG was hopping! There were not chairs open at the bar. So I kept on going and came back to my room. Long day, so I may not stay up too late....
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