I was SO not ready for work this morning. I was awakened by the alarm from a dream (which I don't remember) but it was so hard getting out of bed because I was sleeping so hard. I made it in on time and there was Millie, starting to set up. I set up pantry (I'm getting good at it, lol) while Millie set up the hot line. I also put down the mats that are suppose to cushion our feet and legs as we work. They are still not enough for me anyway, but they do help. Millie never sets them up so I set them up for her (as I would be working hot line eventually). Cliff was there by 7:30am and wanting to work but not clocking in. These people always make sure they make themselves breakfast, lol. I filled a couple of orders in pantry, then Cliff took over at 8am. He and Carl also take turns making the employee lunch. Gotta give them credit for coming up with ideas!
Working with Millie is always interesting. She leaves me alone on the line and does other things, then comes and goes. She will come help if I get a lot of tickets in, but I have issues with her leaving me alone, then coming to help and telling me what to do. A little late for that don't you think? She reminded me that we were suppose to work together. I do remember that, it just doesn't always seem like it happens. I didn't drop any eggs this morning, lol. Poached eggs, eggs over easy, eggs over medium, eggs over hard, eggs scrambled easy, eggs scrambled medium, eggs scrambled hard, egg sandwiches, eggs Benedict, bolongoritos (eggs with black beans, cheese and sausage wrapped up in a flour tortilla), two pancake orders, three pancakes, mango pancakes, banana pancakes, two french toast, regular french toast and corned beef hash. Oh, my.... Like I've said before, breakfast seems to go on forever! We generally stop serving breakfast at 10:30am but we got an order for French toast at 10:55am. Millie was pissed-we had just finished putting all the breakfast things away. She had to make it anyway (by that time, she had sent me over to work pantry again as cliff was leaving at 12 noon).
Lunch was not very busy. It is sometimes difficult to serve the employees their lunch AND make food for guests. The employees get 1/2 hour for lunch, which is not much time, so you hate to tell them to please wait. Millie seemed to disappear quite often, not sure where, but I can't see leaving no one in the kitchen during the lunch time. She asked me if I was working tomorrow and I told her no, it was my day off. She said, then I will be working alone. I said Cliff is working and probably Carl (does no one check the schedule?!). She said, "he won't work with me, no one will work with me". That sounds kind of sad, but it seems they have all done it to themselves. She asked me how much longer I had. I told her it was my last week. She seemed shocked! But it's not like we haven't talked about my leaving before. Again, odd people here.
After I got off, I went to the beach for a while. There was a group of people there (sounded like they were from New York) who were loud. I was looking for peace and quiet, so I didn't stay long. I went back to my room and played on the computer a bit, then got ready to go out to dinner with Laura. She picked me up in her little PT Cruiser and off we went to Mafolie for dinner!
I would not be able to find my way to Mafolie. It sits right above the downtown area of Charlotte Amalie, hig on a hill. All the roads in St Thomas seem to wind, few straight roads here. The view from Mafolie is spectacular. I took several pictures and also took a picture of my from Laura McMurray (she works in the gift shop). Laura grew up here on St Thomas. Her dad decided the family should move here when she was 5 years old. Ten years later, her mother had had enough of the islanders and told her husband she was moving back to the States. Her husband did leave and move with the family, but apparently he did not decide this until the last minute! Laura has always wanted to come back, and she finally did. She is not sure how long she'll stay here, but she does seem to enjoy it. Of course, Laura is one of the most upbeat people I have ever met! Always a pleasure to talk to her.
We got a front row seat next to the window (if you can call it that, there really ARE no windows to speak of, just an open restaurant). The views are spectacular! Better than at Room With a View, that Michael and I went to. Laura had a Caesar salad and Fillet Mignon, while I had a Roasted Sweet Potato salad and Snapper Creole. Not bad food but as Laura says, the view makes up for so much! We had a great time, then it was time to leave. I took a cab back to Bolongo-a woman taxi driver not very happy to only have one fare. I found out from Laura that the reason none of the hotels on St Thomas have shuttle service is that the Taxi Association won't let them. Can you believe it? It's kinda like there own form of mafia!
We didn't order dessert at Mafolie, so when I got back to Bolongo, I went to the the kitchen and got a chocolate raspberry mousse I've been eyeing for a couple of weeks now. It is very chocolaty! They do not, however, make it in-house, it is another item from Sweet Street. Tasty now matter where it is from.
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