I had today off. I didn't sleep too well last night, not sure if it's the new room, or what....
I had breakfast at 9am-the "Manhattan Transfer", essentially lox and bagels, lol. Then came back to my room and did one of my online classes. My friend, Michael called about 1:30pm and we caught up on things. He's in Honolulu for a month, lucky guy! I had a late lunch at Iggie's as the Lobster Grille stops lunch service at 2:30pm. Hummus with pita bread. And I got a lecture from Iggie's kitchen manager about prepping too much food when I work (remember all those chicken parts I've been prepping?!). I told him I understood the new rules, although he feels I need to stand up to Mary and do "the right thing". I will do what I can....
It rained while I was at Iggie's. I was hoping it would stop quickly as I signed up for the sunset cruise again. I do love to sail! I came back to my room and got back on the computer. I looked at the time and oh, no! It was time to walk down to the dock so I could board Heavenly Daze. It had stopped raining by then and cleared up for the most part, so we had a nice cruise. The water was a little rough, though and one poor lady got seasick! I felt bad for her and her husband! After we got back to Bolongo, I had dinner at the Lobster Grille. I tried the Lobster Grapefruit Salad. The lobster was better than I thought it would be, but I couldn't taste the dressing, Willie used the wrong lettuce and served it in a bowl instead of a plate (I'm not picky, lol). It was somewhat disappointing. Oh, well....I didn't pay for it, so can't complain too loudly.
It will probably be an early evening, I have to work 7-3pm tomorrow at the Lobster Grille. We'll see what the day holds!
I stopped by the front desk and Yolanda asked me to give her some recipes/ideas for her kids for school lunch. She apparently took some oatmeal cookies for her kids last night and they had them for lunch today. Both Yolanda and her children are vegetarians, although they will eat fish. I told her I would see what I could do for her. She's a very nice lady!
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