I had the day off today. It was sunny and warm, too. No rain! After breakfast, I spent some time by the pool, worked on my online classes, then had lunch at the bar of the Lobster Grille. While I was eating my BLT, along came one of the big iguanas and sat by my car. I gave him some of my lettuce and he took it right out of my hand! Amazing. He also likes French fries, lol.he moved to sit under my chair but when I moved my foot, it startled him and he ran under the chairs next to me. Unfortunately, the lady next to me is from the city and thought it was a rat and it startled her, she jumped, and just about had a heart attack! She was not happy. She moved soon after that, to sit by the pool. But not before asking if iguanas swam, lol. The bartender told her they did but not well! I told her I've never seem iguanas in the pool. I "captured" a picture of him after he jumped onto a palm tree.
Poor lady!
This evening was the employee Christmas party. From 6:30-10:30pm. Open bar, food buffet (Janee and Ryan did the cooking, we did most of the prep yesterday). There was a green salad, roasted potatoes, glazed ham, lasagna, curried mahi, mixed vegetables and assorted cookies (packaged but not bad). They gave away prizes-dinners, cruises, a local airline ticket and gift certificates to K-Mart. I didn't win anything, but that's ok, the people who have been here a long time won and that's the important thing! Shortly thereafter I left. I have to work tomorrow at 6:30am and that comes nightly early! It was a nice party and a nice gesture from the owners.
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