Well! As it turns out, Suzanne and Pat have WiFi set up at the house so I can still check emails AND blog. Modern technology, isn't grand? Instead of O'Neal taking me to the airport, it was Delita, because she lives at the airport and was going home anyway (but does not mean she gave me money off my fare, a girl has to make a living, you know?). Once at the airport, I was able to check in, but not go to the gate. Each gate has it's own security station. I did not have to go through Customs though. At about 7pm, a Liat worker came through and collected boarding passes from everyone. At 7:12pm, when she checked and found all passengers had checked in, we boarded a twin engine plane, four seats across, about 20 rows, and just took off! I guess they figured everyone's here, why wait?! The flight was uneventful, i got off on Sint Maarten (the plane was going on to St Kitts and then Antigua), went though customs there, walked out into the lobby where Suzanne and Pat wer just walking throu the door! Talk about fortuitous! It was very nice seeing them both again. Suzanne and I stayed up until after 11pm talking, just like old times.
Apparently we are going to a beach bar tonight where they have jazz, cocktails and tapas. Sounds cool! Tomorrow night we will drive over to the French side for dinner. Oh la la! Today, we'll see. Suzanne asked if I had an agenda for the trip. I said no, don't need to go to the beach, I just wanted to get away. So we'll see what the day holds!
Suzanne and I ran some errands, bought Pat some essentials, went over to Marigot on the French side and had lunch at La Sucriere, a French Boulangerie and Bakery. We also walked to Serafina's, another French Bakery but thought La Sucriere had fresher goods. Since going to culinary school, I look at food and especially bakery goods much differently than I used to. I love looking at the pastries and figuring out what they are when the bakers use the French terms. Then looking to see how they were made. The French really do know how to make pastries, whether it is in France or the island of St Martin. So pretty and so tempting. No could have ordered one of everything, if only to take one bite of them to see how they tasted. I also wanted to ask if they'd be willing to take on an apprentice, lol, it looked so good. Often things look much better than they taste-a disappointment! Suzane and I both had a sandwich. Mine was made from a baguette half, had butter slathered on both sides, then tomato slices, lettuce, cheese and ham. Suzanne had a baguette filled with tomato slices, lettuce and slices of Brie. I don't know if they tasted so good because we were hungry or because, once again, the French know how to make and serve really good food! After that we drove back to the Dutch side and to The Fresh Market. Holy Cow!! The food was beautiful! Fresh fruits and vegetables, cheeses, meats, all sorts of goodies that are hard to find on St Thomas. Their wine and beverage section makes you feel like you are in France. They actually had a 2007 Chateauneuf de Pape!! 2007 was one of the best years for that region, and there it was, sitting on the shelf for $25! Unheard of in the States.
We came back to the house at 4pm, rested a bit, then at 6 pm headed to Simpson Bay to eat at Karektor, a Dutch beach bar. On Friday evenings they have jazz, cocktails and tapas. We ordered mojitos to drink, then some tapas. There were Brie, walnut and honey filled puff pastries, chicken satay, Swedish meatballs, sweet and spicy shrimp, bits of flounder with bacon, bacon wrapped apricots and dates, and Tomato Garlic Bread topped with ham, among other things. I was quickly full, so was happy we were all sharing the tapas. There was indeed a jazz band with one man on guitar and two saxophone players, one man and one woman. They were quite good. Nthe place was packed! It is SO out of the way, that I asked Suzanne how they ever found this place? She said there are a lot of people online who chat about St Maarten and restaurants and bars here, that recommended thisnplace so one day they decided to try it. Apparently between the
Dutch and the French side, there are 400 restaurants on this island! At 9 Suzanne drove us back home without mishap. I can't say that for the ride there beccause a car came out of nowhere and we almost hit him trying to turn a corner. Oh, my, that was close!
I am happy there is free WiFi at Suzanne and Pat's house so I can write as things happen. Otherwise it is easy to forget what happens. Nso far this has been a wonderful trip! And again, nice to be wanted and pampered! :-)
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