It was up at 6:30am to work days at the Lobster Grille. It was Clif, Carl and myself, and of course Mrs. Donovan washing dishes (although that lady does a lot more, too much for someone with bad hips!). The stations were almost set up, I finished setting up hot line, which is where I worked with Clif most of the day. He kept showing and telling me how he did things but it took me a while to realize he wanted some kind of praise/recognition for the way he does things. No one seems to do anything the same on days. He is very organized and does a good job. It didn't take me long to realize though, that Clif and Carl dislike each other! Oh, would tell me to do one thing, the other would say, no do 't do that, then the other would come back and tell me to do it again. Not always pleasant to be in the middle. I was talking to Jordan about it and he feels I should tell the owners about the personality problems. I told him I would think about it. 2:30pm finally came (we only served about six guests lunch today!) and both me disappeared before I did!
I left, showered, talked to Jordan, made up a list of healthy snacks for kids for Yolanda, one of the ladies that works at the front desk (she and her kids are vegetarians and she seems to be at a loss as to what type of lunch to send her kids to school with as they won't eat the school lunch), then went to see Harry at the bar. While I was sitting there (there are almost always people sitting at the bar so sometimes it's nicer than sitting in my room or by myself), one of the big iguana jumped onto the bar and started eating Harry's oranges! I had to take a picture. There were two guys sitting at the end of the bar that were pretty freaked about being that close to a large iguana, so I grabbed the iguana under the belly and set him on the floor, telling him needed to leave now. He was so nervous and while trying to get away from me, he scratched my the palm of my hand by my thumb and the underside of my wrist. He drew a little blood, but did leave. Not ten minutes later though, he as back looking for food! Cheeky little devil! There was an older gentleman who is a regular at the bar and lives on the island year round who got upset with the iguana and took a chair and swept the iguana onto the ground. The iguana then decided to leave for good, lol. The man said he was afraid of them and does not like them-they seem to want to take over everything. I'm not afraid of them but they are wild animals, after all! Harry gave me some vodka (strictly for medicinal purposes, lol) to clean the scratches with, said it would help. It did stop the bleeding!
I went back to my room, checked emails, then talked to my sister, Janell. She was upset at having missed work for a medical problem and just wanted to talk. I didn't get over to the Lobster Grille til almost 9pm, but before the guys had put the food away. I had the lamb shanks with sauce, mashed potatoes and green beans. Excellent!!
I'm off tomorrow. Not sure what I'll do. Something to think about.....
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