Saturday Jordan and I were up early. We drove to Davis, California to the Davis Farmer's Market. What beautiful fruit! I took pictures so I will post some. We bought some Mission figs (I am making a fig tart for my personal chef client), Swiss chard, California olive oil, a sticky bun for Jordan and a chocolate croissant for me. Not very croissanty (light, buttery and flaky) but tasty. I had to laugh, the bakery uses chocolate chips in the chocolate croissant, rather than a bar of chocolate. Ah, well. We tried to see our friend Christine who lives in Davis, but turns out she is in Germany for several weeks! (She's originally from Germany and still has friends and family in Germany).
We left the farmer's market and drove to the Bledsoe Walnut farm (friends of Jordan's) in the Capay Valley outside of Winter, California. Caroline fed us lunch, mostly leftovers, but very tasty. Caroline and her husband both used to teach but have retired recently. They remodeled the old farmhouse on the property and put in a new kitchen and dining area. There is a very large wooden farmhouse table and Caroline owns quite a few old serving pieces, etc that have come down through her family. The Bledsoes are leaving Thursday for a month in Canada, where they own a little cabin on a lake in Ontario province. We left after lunch.
On leaving the Bledsoes (not without a bag full of fresh walnuts and a bunch of lavender (they grow and sell lavender and walnuts), Jordan decided he wanted to see Clear Lake, the oldest fresh water lake in the U.S. I didn't realize until I looked at the GPS that that took us up into Napa. We covered a huge distance Saturday. From Clear Lake, we drove to Lake Berryessa, southeast of Clear Lake. We took what we thout was a county highway but when we got to one of the wildlife preserves, some portions of the road weren't paved! There were also quite a few streams that ran across the road and at certain times of the year, the roads are impassable due to high water. Quite the adventure! It was a pretty drive, though.
From Lake Berryessa, we drove to Jordan's daughter's house for a visit. Her husband lost his job a few months ago and has been unable to find work (he was a high level executive in a company that closed). He is now considering buying a business and moving to Southern California. Job and money troubles everywhere! We had dinner there (BBQ chicken and vegetables) and Jordan got to spend some time with his daughter and grandkids.
We drove home but didn't get home until midnight. I don't remember the entire drive, lol, I ended up falling asleep! It was a good day, though. Hot but sunny and still green (Northern California turns brown about the middle or end of July because of heat and little rain).
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