Saturday while Carsley and Jordan took care of some family business, I read some of the book "Committed, A Love Story", written by the same woman who wrote "Eat, Pray, Love". I had no idea she had written more books! It is the continuing story of the author and Felipe, with whom she fell in love at the end of "Eat, Pray, Love". Seems pretty good so far....
Jordan and I left Escondido about noon to go to my sister's in Granada Hills (a 2 1/2 hour drive north toward LA). She was throwing a birthday party for Dylan, whose birthday was a week or so ago and it was also Mark's birthday (he turned 50!). The party was still going on when we got there. Lots of little boys running around while their moms stood around and talked. We had missed the food, so Michele fixed us a plate and we sat outside. Dylan got quite a few toys and enjoyed playing with his friends. Dylan went on a sleep over to the neighbors so Michele and I headed to the mall to look around while Jordan worked on grading tests for USC students. Mark was not feeling well so he rested. We were all going to go out for dinner for Mark's birthday but he declined as he still did not feel well. Jordan, Michele and I went out and had Mexican food. We had a nice time! Poor Michele was exhausticated by the time we got home, so she and I headed for bed while Jordan went back to grading student tests/papers.
Sunday we got up early and drove to Santa Barbara to have coffee with the woman Jordan used to rent a room from while he was working on his PhD. Her name is Audry and she's 90! We took her to a coffee shop called "Vices and Spices". They sell coffee, tea and spices as well as some knick knacks, dishes, etc. Very quaint place. After we dropped her back off at home, Jordan took me to a bakery called Jeanine's, still in Santa Barbara. Very nice place. We had lunch, then left to head home. We did take a somewhat circuitous route (Jordan still feels the need to explore places he's never been) but managed to get home around 10pm.
Monday morning, today, we slept in a little, but each of had work to do. My cookie order Needed to be baked and delivered to the Thunderbird Lodge offices. Upon opening the refrigerator, I discovered we had no butter, so off to the store before I start baking. I mixed up two batches of cookies, then baked a chocolate cake. I had to let the cookies cool before they could be packaged so when Janell called saying she was finished with work and wanted to get lunch, I said yes. I had a couple errands anyway. We came back at 1:30pm so I could package and deliver the cookie order. It took two hours to get them all packaged up! I changed the packaging from last week, but also changed my mind after I had put the cookies into a cellophane bag. I put some card stock behind the cookies to give them some support, folded over the tops and added a fold over topper to the bag. I'll have to add a picture. Then I placed them in a windowed box. They look pretty. I also made some samples for the staff to hand out to tourists to see if we can boost the sales. We'll see! Once the cookies were wrapped and boxed, Janell and I delivered them (Janell helped me bag and wrap the cookies). Once again, there was a check waiting for me! Yeah! Once we delivered the cookies, we checked out Resco to see if they carried any heat sealers (something I may need to use to seal cookie packages in the future). They did not...
After more errands, we went back to our house and I tried my hand at cake balls (cake pops without the stick). They looked intriguing so I decided to experiment a bit. I made my dark chocolate cake, crumbled it in the food processor, then mixed some cream cheese frosting into the cake crumbs until they were moist. I chilled them a bit, then took them out and using a cookie scoops, made little balls. I've decided that cake truffles is a much better choice of verbiage than cake balls, so that's what I'll call them, lol. I am trying out ideas for the fall marketing gift for SCOR. I did try to coat the chocolate balls in both white and semi-chocolate but did not get my chocolate hot enough nor did I have enough of the chocolates to do a good job, but I got to practice dipping the little chocolate balls.
I picked up Ah Choo from Janell's apartment when I finished and brought him home. He seemed happy to be home (as much as you can tell with a cat). Jordan was already home, so after watching the news, we had dinner and talked about our day. Almost time for bed again. I don't have to cook for Michael until Thursday so I'll work on menus and bookkeeping tomorrow.
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