It's funny as you get older that days fly by and you wonder where the time has gone. The weather in Reno has been cooler than usual and windy. It even snowed yesterday (Saturday)! So I have been indoors mostly working with the Mac and trying to see if it will work for my chef business. Most of the programs out there (including the MenuMagic program I got through the USPCA) are made for PC (not surprising really). I have found several programs out there-"Shop'n'Cook Pro", "Souschef" and "MasterCook", that I am checking out. There is also "Caterpro" that I need to look at. That particular program was recommended in one of the books I have on opening your own home based business.
Friday I went with Jordan to hear a spiel on UNR benefits. We are talking about his putting me on his insurance. We'll see what happens as he is not guaranteed a job after July 1. Such a mess up at UNR and at the State as well. But that's another story....
Saturday Janell and I went to Walmart to pick up a few things. I got a plant for the deck. I put it out for a while but then Jordan thought maybe we should being it in because it had started to snow later in the afternoon. I'm glad we did bring it in! I got a couple more things for work, but I think I am about done buying for now. I had a lot of things to begin with because I have always liked to cook so the things I've bought have more to do with serving, and of course boxes, etc for delivering baked goods. Speaking of which, I still have not heard from Zozo's. I am thinking that is not going to work out. Oh, well, I tried!
Today will be more of the same, working on the computer and looking at recipes and menus. I seem to want to offer people more fine food and things they probably wouldn't make at home rather than more mainstream entrees. You can get ampan of lasagna at the grocery store for under $8 that will feed 4-8 people. I can't beat that price at all. I only know my food is better, more flavorful, more healthy and without preservatives and extra sodium. It will take time, I think. I have worked out a pamphlet I will drop off in some of the doctor's offices to see if I can drum up some business.
Jordan and I are doing to the El Dorado Buffet for lunch. I'll check out the food there. We are having a few people over for Memorial Day brunch tomorrow. I love breakfast! Should be fun!
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