Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

It seemed a little strange yesterday and today not having anything scheduled to do. Then you have to think of things for yourself to do, lol! I have been working on getting my website up and running and finally got so frustrated, I called (I bought my web domain from them) to ask them to do it (something Jordan suggested I do from the beginning). Hopefully it will be up and running in the next few weeks. It was interesting looking at other people's websites and seeing what they do and how their websites are set up. The website I liked the most was They come the closest to what I want to do. Being a Personal Chef let's me do a variety of things, not just cook in people's homes. I like that.

I told Bill, the referral from Nothing To It, that I could not take him on as a client. I had talked with Jay Bushman (who owns Nothing To It) as well as two of my friends, who suggested that even though it might sound counter intuitive to turn away business, sometimes you have to do that when people do not want to pay for your time. Bill (a retired lawyer by his report) only wanted to pay $15-18 a dinner but wanted a meat, a starch, a vegetable and a salad for that price. And he did not want me cooking at his home, which would have meant working in a commercial kitchen, costing me money. He wanted me to cook at my home and bring it over. He said he wouldn't tell if I didn't. Not a very honest approach and should some thing have happened to him, I am sure he would have complained to the Health Dept. Oh, well, other business will come my way.

I did some baking yesterday, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Macadamia Nut Cookies for one of the waiters down at Zozo's. Those are his favorite and as he is trying to help me convince Judy that she should buy my desserts, I thought I would pay him in cookies. He thought that was a wonderful idea, lol.

Other than that, I have been trying to work on menus for future partnership meetings at SCOR and on corporate offerings. I need to develop a pamphlet I can drop off with doctor's offices (and someone suggested lawyer's offices but I think I'll talk to my friend John before I do that)
to solicit business, either from them or their patients. Lots and lots to do. I'm not used to having to think of different things I can do to try
and get new business but that's all part of the "biz".

Jordan and I are going to exchange office space this weekend. That should be interesting! Wish us luck!

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