I awoke early and so did my usually stretching and meditation. Then on to a breakfast of yogurt and coffee then coffeecake (second breakfast as we say here, lol). From the veranda we could see whales really close to the shoreline. I am always in awe of these creatures. So large but so graceful. I finished Jordan's project before leaving for the beach and sent it off.
Then it was on to the beach. It really is the perfect beach. The waves lull you into peacefulness. I have learned quite a bit watching the guys who surf at this beach regularly. One-don't fight the waves on your way out, dive under any waves that crash before you have reached your destination. Otherwise you will tire before you get very far off shore. Two, there is a narrow window to catch a wave-if you are not fast enough to get on top of the wave, it will pass you by and you will need to wait until the next wave. If you are so lucky to catch a wave-go for it, stand on your board and ride it out. Some of the moves the surfers make are amazing. Certainly not in my skill set, nor do I want it to be. It is a gift to watch them as they work at catching waves. They seems to get "beat up" a lot while waves crash around them. I am getting more sun and a little crispy around the edges. I'll have to watch that!

Lunch was a Garden Veggie Frittata with a half slice of English muffin. Yum!

The afternoon was spent reading, answering emails and working on my cookie book. I got on fiverr.com to try and get an eBook cover. We'll see what I come up with. We did a little shopping as well and I bought some aloe vera while we were out to put on those crispy edges so as not to let the burn get worse.
Dinner tonight was Pot Roast-very mid-west, lol, but really tasty! Chuck roast braised for several hours, the flavors melding together to a savory goodness.

All in all, a relaxing day, as it should be in paradise... More gorgeous sunset pictures...

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