The graduation cake I was suppose to make that looked like an old book, never quite made it to the fondant stage. I thought I could spend the morning working on this cake, but received a call from work asking where I was?!? I ended up working all day and did not get home until 2:30pm. The party was suppose to start at 5pm. With the help of my sister, I did get everything done but was a little late in getting to the party. Here is what the cake ended up looking like:

I really would like to take some Wilton classes (which is what both these women did) to see what skills I can pick up. But I digress....
Good thing I did most of my baking during the day, because we had one of the worst thunder storms I've seen in a long time. We lost electricity for an hour! My nieces were upset it was so dark so I asked if they had any candles. Oh, they said, what a good idea, lol. Good thing it was evening and close to bedtime anyway. We all went to bed early.
So far I have baked chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, brownie snowballs, mini apple pies, mini mixed berry pies, strawberry-rhubarb mini pies, chocolate cupcakes and almond cupcakes. I need to make another batch of chocolate chip cookies. My pregnant niece and her husband came in late last night, and when she saw the chocolate cookies sitting out on the counter cooling, she couldn't help herself, she ate some of them. So...I need to make another batch, lol. She felt so bad about eating them when she wasn't suppose to. There have been a LOT of offers to taste test my work! Checking quality control and all that...
Tomorrow I will need to shop for the savory part of the meal. My brother picked up the meat on Tuesday evening. He got a very good deal on all of it. Guess it pays to have connections! The meat is in the cooler, the desserts are in the freezer. I'll take the cupcakes out on Friday and frost them once they thaw out. I've made the bride and groom's cake (chocolate) and have that in the freezer. I'll frost that on Friday also. I am not feeling the pressure as of yet, but maybe I should be more concerned about making mass quantities of food (for 250 people).

I did take some time off to take my mother to her see her orthopedic doctor. Her doctor reminds me of Al Roker, the weather guy on Good Morning America, or is it NBC? Hmmmm... But before we saw the doctor, my mom took me out to dinner at Lettie Mae's Tea Room. I took these pictures of the inside of the restaurant. Very retro, with old-fashioned aprons hanging from the ceiling, napkins on the windows and miss-matched tea cups, dishes and silverware. Very nice. I had a salad, my mom had soup and sandwich. Her soup was cold strawberry soup. She let me try it-almost like a liquid dessert! Quite tasty. We shared a slice of chocolate cheesecake, also very good.
I did get some time to myself tonight while everyone else went to church and I finished the mini apple pies and made Brownie Snowballs. After cleaning up the kitchen (my sister-in-law likes things clean according to my brother), I settled in with a cup of hot chai tea and read a little. Cindy was sewing hooks and eyes onto my niece's wedding dress so the train doesn't drag on the ground during the reception and my mom was working on my other niece's dress (the pregnant one who was very upset about the gathers in her dress, so grandma has to fix it so she doesn't feel so "fat"). So, here I am doing the blog.... But you know what? Everyone is gone now (I am sleeping in the crafts room of the house) so I think I'm going to go to bed myself.
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