It's been a quiet weekend, just me and the cat. Saturday I had breakfast at Arlington Gardens with some of the usual suspects, as Kasia would say. They changed their menu a bit, but nothing too exotic. After breakfast I was off to find paper and ribbon for the Spiced Pumpkin Breads I am making for SCOR marketing. 40 loaves by Thursday! Better get busy, although my loaf pans have yet to arrive from King Arthur Flour. They should be here Monday.
I did make some Apricot Chews Saturday afternoon. They have diced dried apricots and coconut for flavoring. And they are moist and chewy. Otherwise I worked on recipes, etc. and did some reading.
Sunday (today), I finished what I could of the LAHI project. I'll have Jordan look at it then send it off to Ms Nyugen to see what she can add. I am done, at least in part, for now with that project. I baked some Pistachio and Dark Chocolate Toiles (a cross between a cookie and toffee) this afternoon. I am thinking of giving this as a Christmas gift, but needed to see how the recipe worked. The Toiles turned put to be quite tasty and I was amazed at how much flavor the pistachios added to the cookie. I think I chopped the dark chocolate a little too fine, so next time I will leave it in bigger chunks. All in all, a success, and an easy recipe.
I wrote an article for the about Mark Estee's new restaurant, Campo. The grand opening is Wednesday, the 17th from 6pm to 9pm. There is an earlier press party from 4-6pm that I have been invited to attend and I will be going. It's free to the press, so I guess it's nice to get some perks, however small! Should be interesting. You otherwise have to have tickets to attend, which cost $20 and includes wine and beer and small bites. The proceeds are going to two charities, which is nice of Estee. Hope they get a good turnout.
Jordan didn't get home until almost 8pm! He was bumped off his United flight because it was overbooked. So he ended up buying a new ticket on Southwest. He says that's what he gets for letting other people buy his ticket.
Well, tomorrow is another day, with new adventures of it's own. But now, bedtime....
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