It feels like the healing and getting better aspect of this knee surgery has been slow. Although I have to remind myself, it hasn't yet been a week since I had the surgery. I am still feeling a bit spacey and I can always tell when my pain medication is about to wear off. This too shall pass, as they say.
I was reading email yesterday from the William Sonoma people called Tasting Table. It was offered to me as a chef, but anyone can subscribe to the weekly newsletter. The newsletter covers new products, restaurant recipes and drink (alcohol) recipes. I first started subscribing to it when one of the girls I went to culinary school with was working for a chef whose recipe was featured in the TT (Tasting Table) column. I've been receiving it ever since. The newsletter they had on new products talked about a person who owns a small book store. Apparently this person kept finding hand-written recipes in many of the books, and rather than throw the recipes away, they decided to publish the recipes on the web. How cool is that?! I decided to check into it. And am now passing it on to all of you. The author's plea to have people contact (him/her) to make the recipes and to take pictures of the recipes, has gotten a great response. Here is the link: Check it out! The author of the website shows you the original recipe, retypes it in recipe form, then shows you the book the recipe where the recipe was found. All set in a kind of old fashioned genre. Some of them look quite tasty! You can also sign up for Tasting Table if you would like to get a food newsletter.
I received an email from the office telling me my article about school lunches (Mom! What's for Lunch?!) will be featured on the national page, they liked what I wrote! Imagine that, lol? That was a nice positive reinforcement about my writing.
I am also meeting with someone else from ABBI HR company who wants to talk to me about working with other restaurants in town. Not sure what the means, but guess I'll find out August 30. The woman, Leah, who contacted me, asked me if I had seen Julie & Julia. Hmmm...yes, but I'm still not sure what that means for me. Time will tell.
Another day of rest today. And an order of Chocolate chip cookies, no nuts, for Thunderbird Lodge on Monday. Otherwise, rest, elevate the leg, behave myself! I did unwrap two boxes today that Michael gave me. He's downsizing before he moves into his parent's house. All very nice oriental or Italian dishware. Thanks, Michael!
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