My friend, Betty, died this morning after a more than seven year battle with breast cancer. Although I am extremely saddened by the loss of one of my best friends, I know she is in heaven and free from pain. She loved to read this blog, telling me more than once, it was better than a soap opera! I think she was one of my biggest fans. I will miss her...
I also have a cold and my cat threw up during the night and is not eating this morning, I think, because of the vaccines he received yesterday. Hopefully Ah Choo will feel better soon, as well as his owner, April!
I started my ServSafe online class ($125) but even though I can take the class online, it looks like I'll need to have the exam proctored, so I'll have to contact someone on the list of improved instructors.
Otherwise, I spent a quiet day, read, watched cooking shows (surprise!), talked to my Mom (she is always encouraging!), my sister Janell and Kasia (breakfast invitation for Saturday morning). I made chicken pot pies for dinner tonight (using roasted chicken thigh meat, organic vegetables from Trader Joe's (carrots, green beans, corn and peas), made my own chicken gravy and used puff pastry to top it off. Then baked it in the oven at 375. It turned out well, even if I can't taste much!
Early to bed for more rest. Thanks for all your prayers!
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