I went to bed about midnight, slept for about an hour, then woke up wide awake! I hate when that happens! I was itchy-always new bug bites no matter what I do. I read until 4am, when I finally fell asleep. I was up at 10am, had a light breakfast and lots of coffee! Janee changed my in time to 1pm because of all the prep I did yesterday. The day is partly cloudy-the weather predicts rain off and on all week. The temperature here rarely varies. It's always between 72-81 degrees. Not too difficult to tolerate, lol, as long as I don't get eaten alive by bugs! The picture is one of the flowering bushs that grows on property-Bird of Paradise. Lovely!
I went into work at 1pm as instructed and found Janee there slicing the turkeys. I put the potatoes on to boil, made a balsamic vinaigrette, and put the sweet potato stuffing in a smaller pan. Janee took great pleasure in informing me that the "island stuffing" was actually made from instant mashed potatoes, catsup and raisins(!?!). Who'd have thought? It LOOKS just like sweet potatoes but certainly doesn't taste like sweet potatoes! Most of the island food is peasant type fair, lots of stews, etc. The Rotary dinner was to be at 4pm, but the ladies started to show up at 2pm and wanted to eat. Lori, Bolongo's wedding coordinator and event planner, went and talked to them. She did put off the serving time (we were not ready for a 2pm dinner). Unfortunately not only did they want to change the time, but also wanted to change the menu (and let me tell you-that was not going to happen!). Poor Lori was stuck dealing with this. She says that half of them are senile but that this is their one big event a year and they look forward to it (and reminded us all that we would one day be in their position!). So to the already full menu of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, ham, roasted sweet potatoes, green beans, "island stuffing", gravy, mixed green salad with two dressings, bread and apple crumble cake, (store bought) we got a hotel pan of island rice from Iggie's to serve them. I didn't hear any more, so I guess they must have been satisfied after that, lol. We also had a 7pm cocktail party. I made up a cheese plate with smoked Gouda, cheddar cheese, Brie and Pepperjack cheese. I made the platter look pretty using strawberries and cut flowers. The nice thing about the tropics, is that you can just walk outside and cut flowers off the flowering bushes that are every where. Just remember to check them for bugs!! They also got a platter of what I now think of as the famous vegetarian spring rolls served with sweet pepper sauce. I made arancini to be used as appetizers-the lobster risotto (funny that you can call a dish lobster this and lobster that even though there is not any lobster in it just lobster base or essence) wrapped around small cubes of smoked Gouda, then breaded in the usual manner (dipped in white flour, then beaten eggs then Panko). They are deep fried right before they are served, a la minute, as they used to say in
Richard, one of the owners, came in this afternoon to make himself a sandwich. He talked about how bad business looked for the next few months. He said that the Marriott was offering all sorts of deals as were some of then other resorts on the island, so no one was doing well. It made me wonder if my internship was going to be shortened! Time will tell.
Tomorrow I am at the Bolongo warehouse so it's to bed soon as I start there at 8am, a real switch for me!
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